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User Posts: DuckBoss

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." — Josh Billings Cute Dog Stickers

When you wake up from a nap

The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man’s Cute Dog Stickers

Cute dog, his name is Banks.

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen Cute Dog Stickers

Here is a cute dog

Don't stop retrievin'. Cute Dog Stickers

Waiting to have kitty leftovers

If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life Cute Dog Stickers ...

Everybody is gonna have some fun

I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts. Cute Dog ...

Tired Olive after a bath. The good life lol

Love – that which biologists, nervous about being misunderstood, call ‘attachment ‘- fuels the bond between dog and master or mistress Cute Dog Stickers

Here’s my dog named Galavant

Reason No. 106 why dogs are smarter than humans: Once you leave the litter, you sever contact with your mothers Cute Dog Stickers

Funny dog

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in ...

The best reception ever

When an 85-pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad. Cute Dog Stickers

User Deals: DuckBoss
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Crabs Adjust Humidity – 4 Pack (Vol.1-2-3-4)
  • Volumes One, Two, Three and Four of the unofficial 3rd-party expansion* to the hit party game Cards Against Humanity.
  • You need to own Cards Against Humanity to use these expansions.
  • Each of the four volumes include: 80 white cards, 32 black cards
  • Professionally printed on linen-finish, casino-quality cards.
  • 110% compatible with Cards Against Human
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Bombs Away! Shot Glasses – Set of 2
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Bottle Opener Ring
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Warrior Chess Set
Prepare for battle and defend your kingdom with this intricate and breathtaking medieval-inspired chess set! The glass game board is held aloft by four towers of the castle, revealing the remains of previous clashes below. Warring royalty and their brave knights are in full battle regalia, complete with swords and shields, in silver-tone and bronze-tone.
Browsing All Comments By: DuckBoss
  1. I got this expansion to play at a party and we loved it. The cards played seamlessly with the original game and the cards were either as good as or better than the original cards. They are funny, crude, and offensive and just in keeping with the original sense of humor of the game. Looking forward to more expansions and more crabs!

  2. Kinda heavy on the phallic jokes compared to the original game, but then again I’ve never really played this game when I was sober or not in a lighthearted mood so they can be somewhat humorous.

  3. I continue to buy the add-ons as gifts and everyone continues to play this game; this set is a great novelty.

  4. This game is loads of fun. There was shouting and laughter and accusations of cheating and thievery ? all of the best components to a truly fun game. It is much easier to play the game just throwing the ball into the spaces, but the game is, after all, Bounce-off. When smaller children played, it was pretty funny when I told them they had to bounce the ball into the right positions. That made it much harder and they spent a lot of time chasing balls under the table and even had to chase a dog who had done a grab-and run. This is beer pong but no beer. That was my first thought and that was my teenager?s first thought when he went through the room. Later, two of his friends went through the room and they yelled, ?Beer Pong!? I should point out that the kid beats me every time we have played it. Clearly, I need practice.

  5. First off I thought this game would be bigger in size. It is more of a table top game. However it is still fun for all. Trying to bounce the balls into the box to make the design on the card does take some skill. As a family you can have fun but also if you wanted to try the game as a drinking game like you would bouncing balls into red cups, this would be that game.

  6. This game is pretty fun. It gets pretty loud and crazy while you are playing. The only complaint that I have is that I wish they would’ve included some extra balls. Right off the bat we lost one…although you could just replace it with a ping pong ball if you wanted to. My kids aged 13, 11, and 6 have a really good time trying to beat each other by bouncing the balls into various patterns.

  7. I was introduced to this game a year ago and fell in love with it. It’s great for kids and adults and sure to provide plenty of fun. Each player has seven red cards in their hand. They have actions or nouns on them. Things like “Charging Rhinos,” “James Bond,” “Paying Taxes,” “Mirror,” or “Walt Disney.” Each round has a judge. The judge turns over the top green card, which contains an adjective like creative, handsome, feminine, horrid, scary, etc. Each player then picks the card from their hand they feel best matches the green card and plays it face down. Now the fun starts. The judge picks the red card he or she feels best matches the green card. Obviously, there are some loosers since it’s hard with seven cards to always match everything. But there are usually some good options as well. Once the winner of that round has been chosen, they take the green card and then become the judge of the next round. Obviously, the more you know about the people you’re playing with, the better off you’ll be. And the funnier it can get. And you’ll get to know other people quickly this way. So what makes the Party Box Edition different from the regular version? This box contains not only the original cards, but also the cards that are in the first two expansion packs. You get twice the number of cards as the original box for only a little higher price. More fun. More outrageous comparisons. What’s not to like? This really is a game that kids and adults can play together and keep everyone entertained and competitive. And it’s rather addicting. I can’t wait to play it again.

  8. We bring it every time we go to or host a party. It takes just 30 seconds to learn and every one loves to play it. Also at our parties, people can drift into and out of the game without affecting the outcome too much. It’s just a lot of fun to play!

  9. this is a great group game for play during the holiday season when you have big groups of people. Our family NEVER plays these kinds of games by the original rules – the key change here is that instead of each player just putting a RED APPLE card face down that they think is the best match for the “dealer’s” GREEN APPLE adjective/adverb card and then having the “dealer” select the best match, each player starting from the left of the dealer show’s his RED APPLE card (containing a person, place, or thing) and argues why it is the best match. This adds a lot of fun to the mix as players can play off each others arguments, posture, connect to arguments from previous rounds, add in family specific details, etc. When all arguments are done, the “dealer” selects the best match as usual. The dealer is responsible for making sure the arguments are kept concise (20-30 seconds is usually plenty). If we have a large group we generally play once around and honestly don’t really care who wins in the end – it is the fun that matters.

  10. I just received this game and played it with family members. Overall the game is very basic. Red Cards (nouns-persons,places,or things) are dealt to players and a judge is assigned to monitor the players played red cards vs. the adjective description card (Green). The other good thing about this game, is that each card has additional information that will assist you with understanding what is written on the card – some with humor. With over 700 player (Red) cards, this game will not repeat very often and even if a card comes up again, the multitude of Green descriptive cards will keep up the variety. This game has a minimum of 4 players, but more than that is suggested for greater enjoyment. The players should also have a sense of humor, as if the game is played “Straight,” it kind of loses some of that fun. Once you get tired of playing the “normal” game, they have suggestions for additional ways to play it.

  11. Ok, I have to start this review off by saying I had my reservations about this game. I absolutely love Euro strategy games like Puerto Rico, Agricola, Power Grid, Caylus, etc, but I’m not into card games. In fact, I pretty much hate card games. This game was getting a lot of publicity on BoardGameGeek and everyone was raving about it so I decided that I should buy it to give it a shot. I’m glad I did. The whole point of the game is to build your deck of cards and build up a collection of victory points. The reason this game shines is because it is a quick game that only takes about 30-40 minutes to play. It is also very fun because as you are building your deck of cards you aren’t usually getting rid of the cards. If you spend some gold to buy a card that gold goes back into your discard pile and will eventually be shuffled for you to use again in another turn. There are over 500 cards in this game with around 25 different action cards available so you can vary the game a lot depending on what cards are currently on the table. The only downside is that someone that has played the game a lot and knows a base strategy can usually beat a new player easily. Overall this game is very addicting and short, which is a good thing. You can play multiple rounds of this game in an evening as opposed to one game of another typical Euro.

  12. I will not waste time echoing the praise in other reviews. Trust me, the praise is well deserved. This is a great game that is easy to learn, yet very deep and fun. Honestly, it is as good as the reviews say. What I do want to add, is that someone told me that this is one of the rare games that work just a well as a two-player game as a four-player game. If you do any gaming you know that many games will say something like 2-5 players, but playing with two people is a crippled version of the bigger experience. While we often game with friends, there are times where my wife and I want to play by ourselves at home. Usually as I said,you need to find games specifically designed for two-players (which are hard to find) and then of course they can not be enjoyed by larger groups. This game lives up to the claim, it works just about as well with 2 as it does with more people. So if you are looking for an excellent, yet flexible game, give this a try.

  13. Has to be one of the best games I’ve played. I put it up there with Settlers, Puerto Rico etc… The game is absolutely addictive, and it is great because there are so many variations for the setup of the game- constantly changing what strategies are feasible. The other qualities of this game that make it great is that you get to build a deck, and the turns go very fast once you have learned the game. Recommended to anyone who likes board or card games

  14. No other game has dominated our family game nights like this one. This is the set that started the Dominion craze, and it’s still a great one to get started on. Do you like creativity and imagination? This game stirs it up. Do you like strategy and problem-solving? This game involves both in great measure. Do you like a bit of luck in your gaming? This one offers that too. Dominion offers each player the same ten cards to draw from in his first two turns. From there, each player chooses his own luck and strategy by buying Action cards to supplement his Treasure cards. Using the two wisely, he aims to be the player with the most Victory points gained by the end of the game. Each game as a visible finish line–three piles emptied, or the Province pile emptied–and no two games are alike, since the number of game combos are almost limitless, especially once you buy other expansions to go along with this base set. My wife loves to play Actions, stringing them together for bigger buys and bigger points. I love trashing cards, cleaning up my deck, and working with streamlined hands that can win quickly. My daughter likes mixing the two, throwing in Attacks, to keep everyone else on their toes. On top of that, we’ve designed and added our own cards to multiple the possibilities. You can’t go wrong with Dominion. It offers something for every type of game player. And once you’ve played two or three times and seen how the possibilities can come together, you’ll be hooked.

  15. Dominion is loads of fun and is truly unique. Its a little confusing at first, but after awhile you catch on to all the rules. Its a great card game to play with your friends.

  16. This game was brought to our house by some friends that came for a visit. Before the game was over, we had already decided to order it! Game play is great. Good interaction between players. We had a great time. We ordered it for some of our friends to enjoy as well!

  17. Phase 10 is a classic-fun & addictive game to play with family or friends. It took us a few rounds to get the hang of it, but everyone really enjoyed playing. Our Age Range: 15-85 Everyone was cracking jokes and laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes. It has now become our go-to card game, and we carry a deck in the car “just in case”.

  18. Phase 10 has been a mainstay in our family for YEARS. It all started back in the late 90’s. During the annual trip to visit family out of state, my uncle stopped by a gas station while we were there to pick up some smokes, while he was ringing out he noticed they were selling the Phase 10 card game. Intrigued, he purchased it and a family tradition began. We play with 8-10 people so we bought 2 decks. In fact, we are now on our 4th double set of decks we’ve worn the cards out so much over the 15+ years of playing :)For me, Phase 10 is part of my many fond memories of my childhood. As a kid, I never got to participate and missed out of many fun nights of my family playing cards until the wee hours of the morning, but just yesterday I was visiting family again and 10 of us engaged in the age old game of Family Night Phase 10 and had a blast! The playful banter, separating the family from their “devices”, and actually enjoying one another’s company 🙂 I can’t say enough about this game, and over the years I’ve met a few individuals who have family stories involving Phase 10 that are not too different from mine 😀

  19. This is a very fun card game, feels similar to UNO (same creator). We have played with just two people, all the way up to the max of six, and it is fun every time. Easy rules to learn or to teach new players. Do note that some games may take a while depending on the luck of the draw.

  20. Either you like it or you don’t. I like it when I’m playing with friends who like games and when everyone is alert. When tired, not so much.

  21. I love Euro-Style board games and I have been introducing my kids (6 and 8) to them over the past couple of years; however, there is always bickering and even tears as one child eventually gloats when he/she does something to hinder the other. So, after watching Wil Wheaton play Pandemic on an episode of Table Top, I thought this might be a good way to go, despite some trepidation I had about a cooperative game. When I saw it for a good price at Amazon, I figured I had nothing to lose, and gave it a shot. Some key benefits about this game (especially when playing with kids) are as follows: The game is really easy to learn, it’s really fast to set up, and plays in less than an hour. The game mechanics are very interesting, too (for example, when the dreaded Epidemic card is drawn). Plus, since it is cooperative, I don’t have to “dummy down” my strategy when playing with my kids. Instead, we are all working together to devise the best strategy to use our limited resources on each turn. This is also a huge benefit when introducing someone new to Euro-Style games. Another benefit (if you want to call it that), is that this game is terribly difficult to win. The board beats us much more often than we win, but since we are all losing together, we oddly have lots of fun doing so. My opinion of cooperative games has definitely changed. I’m not sure if any other ones would bring the same excitement as Pandemic, but I think a have many more hours of Pandemic to play through before I’m bored with this game. Also, even though I mentioned this game with regard to my kids, I play it often with other adults, and it’s always fun.

  22. This game does have a learning curve, but once you’ve played it through one time it seems simple. I love that it’s cooperative, which means I get to work with my friends rather than against them. Instead of secretly plotting against each other, we spend the game coordinating strategies, simulating different possible outcomes, and planning for contingencies. It’s a logic game above all, and it’s both challenging and fun. Also, when we lose, we all lose together, so we’re motivated to try again. If we win, we’re tempted to try it at a higher difficulty level (there are 3 difficulties). This is also great because you can play with just 2 players. Moreover, if you find having only 2 characters limiting, you can “ghost play” with 4 players by having each of you play two characters.

  23. This game is great. It’s cooperative, which is different. After getting whomped two games in a row, we won on our last game with few player cards left. We all did a simultaneous, bilateral high five with four players…A high forty…We’re in our late 20’s and were impressed. We play tons of board games with only one winner, and the only teamwork we had in the past was to destroy first place’s lead. So, this was a nice change.

  24. This is a really fun game that can either end really quickly or take up to an hour. It also can stress you out to no end watching as the virus just spreads and there is nothing you can do about it. My only gripe about it is to really get a good game experience you have to play on the hardest level–which is fine, just a little frustrating. I’ve mostly played it two player and it works well (we usually loose quickly but its a lot of fun) but have played it with four players. Four players is fun as well, but its a lot easier to win that way.

  25. If you have ever played Apples to Apple and find it fun..then things is the game for you! When I introduce this game to friends I’ll tell them that its like Apple to Apples but for adults and you the player get to decided who said what phrase. I don’t always win at this game but it doesn’t really matter because Im laughing at all the hilarious content that comes up. I pity the fool that doesn’t buy this game!!!

  26. Great fun playing “The Game of Things”. Got some pretty funny and weird answers playing with a group of friends. I suggest the more the merrier!

  27. We played this at our last game night and had a good time with it. Our biggest problem is that we know each other’s handwriting fairly well, and even with people trying to disguise their handwriting, it was easy to know who wrote what. I think this game would be great as an ice breaker; you would learn all about the other people AND you wouldn’t be automatically relying on handwriting.

  28. I bought this game hoping it would be like cards against humanity. It’s not, but it turned out to be amazingly fun. It takes a couple rounds to get the hang of it, but eventually you’ll be trying your best to confuse the person guessing the word. It’s kids friendly too (as long as the adults behave themselves, which is always a challenge for me). We invited a new couple over for dessert and played this game; we played till 2am!

  29. This game is a blast. We first played it with a friend and had to order our own. It can be as innocent or as naughty as you want it to be. Hilarious!! You can’t play this game without laughing and having a great time. It can be a little hard til you get the hang of it. We do 3 Rounds each card, the first one we give really hard clues, the second round we give average clues, and the third round we give easy clues. It’s fun no matter what, but the more “naughty” your clues, the more you’ll laugh! I’d recommend it for young adults, and I DEFINITELY recommend it. You won’t regret this purchase.

  30. We played this game with 10 people and laughed till we could not breath. It gets your mind working on how to describe something without the usual words that would give it away. It’s loads of fun for all age groups!! It’s easy to set up and get started, no long drawn out instructions to read . Most of all…it makes us all laugh and that’s a good thing!

  31. For this game you have to be creative with the clues you give. Your clues help other players guess the subject on the card. Here’s how it works: You insert the card with the subject into the card holder. Everyone looks at the subject and starts thinking of clues to give. I remember the first time I played this game and I was in the Hot Seat. The person to your left gives the first clue. You ask each player “(Name), what’s yours like?” The clues I got were “Mine is a song by Queen,” “I met mine in the fifth grade” and “Mine is in California now” I kept thinking of the Queen song clue and I came up with BEST FRIEND, which was the answer. The idea is the get the answer in as few clues as possible. This game uses the golf scoring method – in other words less is better. Each subject card has two sides, an orange and purple side. The orange side has subjects that are easier and more kid friendly. A nice fun game that should get your creative juices flowing. If you want to spice up your game nights, consider getting this game.

  32. I bought this game thinking it would be really fun with a large group of people. Well we played it for game night, and it was really really funny. Everything sounded like an innuendo. But the person who is trying to guess isn’t always in on the joke, and it can get kind of frustrating.

  33. I like the creativity of the game and the craziness that can ensue.

  34. Awkward Turtle is HILARIOUS and I highly recommend it to everyone! It works well with big or small groups, and is perfect for people who have crude senses of humor and like such games as Taboo and Cards Against Humanity. Finding creative ways to give clues for the WORST words is challenging and downright hilarious. This is a game everyone can enjoy and I highly recommend it for your next party, especially if you’re looking for something new, easy to explain, interesting, and freaking hysterical!

  35. As a fan of other slightly obscene games such as cards against humanity, our game group was thrilled when I showed them this game. We were eager to play and jumped right in with little initial success. I must say, some of these cards are simply impossible to guess; we ended up handing out more points to opposing teams for passing cards than we earned for correctly guessing the words. After some practice we did learn to split up the more outlandish words and describe it one part at a time. Despite the difficulty of the game, it is a great laugh. I will caution that arguments are likely to break out if you play with competitive people. We frequently endured debates about whether or not hand movements were justified as helpful gestures relating to the word on the card. Overall, it?s a fun interpretation of the more common Taboo and even in failure it?s guaranteed to end in laughter.

  36. Recently given this as a gift a few times…it is always well received and commented on later about how fun it is. We are big fans of another game (CAH) and found this one a while back. Only disappointment is there is no expansion pack yet 🙁

  37. Fun concept, however 80% of the words are ones that we don’t even know what they mean and have never even heard of. If you do try playing this, you will undoubtedly need the internet to research these words.

  38. A fun game for couples! Guy type of questions for ladies [sports, mechanics, etc] & female type questions [fashion, makeup, cooking] for men. Lots of laughs! Educational too….. my husband now knows what a “ramekin” is!

  39. This version of battle of the sexes is far better than the previous version board games. This has up-to-date culture questions. We played his with my in-laws and at a NYE party with people from their 20’s to 40’s. We had a lot of laughs. There are straight up questions, multiple choice, ‘about me’, some that you have to act out and pictures that you name the labeled parts! Great Game!

  40. We have played this game with all ages, from late teens into the 80’s…EVERYONE has a blast! The questions range from very simple to complex- depending on your interests. There are individual questions as well and also charade type questions, so the action is varied and the keeps the energy up! It does tend to take a while, so plan to make it the only game for the evening, and build in potty/snack breaks! Have Good Clean Family Fun!

  41. We played this game with 5 couples – girls against the guys – and had a great night with many laughs. It did seem like the guys questions are easier – then again, I’m one of the girls so I may be biased. 🙂

  42. Reply
    MarLynn Terrell-Gallman November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am

    5 seconds is not a lot of time. We altered the rules and had a great time. The timer mechanism is different, again 5 seconds is not enough time to answer the questions.

  43. This has to be one of my top 5 board games I own! This game takes strategy and just when you think you have blocked someone the continue to play on. Highly recommended. Playing time ranges from 10-15 minutes depending how fast you play. This game is also best with four players

  44. This game is the most innovative game since Tetris. Love it.

  45. very simple game, replay value is OK, but good quick strategy game if you need to fill a half hour

  46. As a board game enthusiast, I was not particular to this game. However, it definitely has value as an abstract strategy game. The whole family can participate and the geometric elements give the game a very unique style. This is not a friendly game, you will likely want to hurt someone you play with…

  47. Fun family game !! All ages , recommend to get the family laughing , even the ones who don’t want to play !!

  48. We love this game as well as smart ass,,,we can play this game for hours at a time,,,can play this game with as many friends as we like

  49. Stratego lovers would love the quality of this product. I recommended 100%

  50. I highly recommend this board game for those who enjoy the idea of Monopoly, but don’t want to actually play it. Although this game has many forms, this version involves investing and building hotels. Players found hotels, merge them with others, invest in stock, and cash out their stock and acquire bonuses to reinvest in other hotels. It takes, on average, around 60-90 minutes to play with 4 people and does not get any less interesting from game to game. I haven’t regretted this purchase unlike other boring board games.

  51. This is a fun game! It’s more of a strategy game, so you’ll only want to play with people who enjoy these sorts of games or are smart enough to figure it out. I would put this game in the same genre as Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Puerto Rico, etc. but it’s not as long or intense as say a Settlers or Puerto Rico game. It’s still strategic and fun… but different than the others. Everyone we’ve played it with really enjoys it! It’s our new favorite game to teach people because it doesn’t take several hours to learn like some games, so it’s reasonable in length, but it’s long enough to still be fun and use some skill.

  52. We were thrilled to find Acquire finally; my husband grew up loving this game. Ordered it for my brother. The game requires strategy, planning, and never ends the same way. It is a classic, must-have addition for any game closet. It’s a little more time intensive, and the board isn’t as flashy as newer games, but hey — it is exciting to play. It’s all about the acquisitions.

  53. I grew up playing Monopoly. Lots of people did. It’s unfortunate, because there was this gem just sitting there, begging to be played, but passed over. Here’s what was missed: THEME – The game is about buying and selling stock in hotel chains, causing chains to merge, and go in and out of business. Given that virtually NONE of this is represented visually and it looks more like a Bingo board, the theme really stands out. You really feel like you’re doing exactly what the game says you are. COMPONENTS – This is where the game takes a hit. If you can, see if you can pick up one of the versions from the 1960’s or 1970’s. Those were VERY well made and, as long as you don’t need them to be in perfect shape, can be come across for very little. If you can get one of those, the components are perfectly good. GAMEPLAY – You have a handful of tiles marked like a bingo board and one central “bingo board.” Every turn, you play a tile to the corresponding spot on the board. If it is adjacent to another tile that isn’t already a company, you get to start a new company. If it’s adjacent to another company, that company just grows. If it’s on its’ own, nothing happens. You can then buy some stock in companies which exist, draw back up to a full hand of tiles, and turn progresses. SOUNDS BASIC, WHAT MAKES THIS SPECIAL? Glad you asked. There’s a few twists: 1) There’s a chart which shows the value of a company and the price of its’ stock. The more tiles a company is, the more it’s worth, and the more it costs to buy stock. So, you want to invest more in a company, but also want to grow it? You either need to wait until next turn to grow it (during which, everyone else gets a shot at it) or you need to grow it now and pay more. 2) When 2 companies’ tiles touch, they merge. Having the most (and 2nd most) stock gets you cash bonuses, and then you can keep the stock for the company (as it might open back up) or trade it in for money or other stock. Being in the right spot to take advantage of those is a HUGE component to the game. 3) After a company gets so large, it becomes “safe” in that it can’t be bought out anymore. Getting in on the stock of safe companies is huge, because those companies just keep growing and growing, getting more and more valuable. SO WHY SHOULD I PLAY THIS INSTEAD OF MONOPOLY A few reasons: 1) There’s a fairly small rule set, so anyone old and smart enough to pick up on strategy for Monopoly can pick this up. 2) It teaches the same principles of investing in the right things at the right time. Only unlike Monopoly, you don’t have so much money that you can just buy everything. You need to make a choice of what and when to buy. 3) There’s still an amount of randomness, and you might have things to do even when it’s not your turn. 4) It’s a MUCH shorter game. The game ends when either one company grows too far or every company on the board is “safe.” Generally, this is about 45 mins or so, unlike Monopoly, which can last 2-3 hours. 5) For kids, it is a much better teaching tool. It can still teach addition/subtraction just as well, only now it can teach multiplication (“I’m selling 5 shares for 300 a share, how much is that?”), and chance in investments (every investment isn’t always a good one). 6) There’s no electronic version with a debit card. FINAL THOUGHTS Acquire is a very good, fairly short, light-medium weight game. It’s good for a wide range of ages and, especially compared to it’s age and what other board games were at the time, it’s incredibly well-designed and strategic.

  54. My board games group had fun with this, so I bought it. My family is devoted to Settlers of Catan, but it can become a bit obsessive. (One of my friends refers to the game as Greed.) I thought Acquire, which is also (obviously) about acquisition would at least be a break. My group, however, had a lot of guidance from the man who brought it. So I will hae to see how it goes with me stumbling over the rules.

  55. The card game of FLUXX at long last is in board game format and I for one am thrilled, as I tend to enjoy board games more than cards in general. I remember the first time I played FLUXX with cards thinking, “I bet I’d like this game even more in a board game format.” The play in board game format has exciting variations in getting to change playing pieces as well as literally moving parts of the board around. I cannot wait to see what kinds of expansion pack ideas that may hopefully one day be available for this game!

  56. Huge fan of the original and it holds true to its roots but expands on it so it really feels like a new game. Unlike a lot of the expansions or varieties of Fluxx. Fluxx is based more on luck than strategy, however the movable game pieces makes it more lean to strategy. Your moves on the board really change depending on how you can move around the game board. It really adds a fun new dimension. While it is more fun to play with more people, it is still a great game with only two players. It is easy to learn. Depending on how you play the game it can be challenging or easy–this is nice for both different length and skill levels. There are so many different ways to win that no two games will be the same. So many variables that change game play ensure a different experience every time you play. Overall I am just excited to see how this game will expand over time. It is awesome now, but I can see how adding more to this game will make it even more fun.

  57. We love our Fluxx card games. We own several versions, but this one is amazing in all new ways. Board pieces that move or spin or… Wrap around movement, or not. You know Fluxx, the only constant is change. We love it. Those of us that have problems winning the card fans are doing great on this one, so that’s a plus too. New game play style needed.

  58. Purchased for my husband as a gift as we are huge Fluxx fans. This is a very interesting and extremely fun twist on the game with a much quicker play time than the card game can sometimes be. It comes highly recommended from our family.

  59. This game is a HIT! Love introducing it to people and watching their faces fall as they imagine describing “hootenanny” (got around it with “what an owl says along with another word for babysitter”) or some extra-fun body part. The only suggestion would be MORE! More cards, more words, more fun, please!

  60. I love games where everyone is involved all the time, and you’re not just sitting there waiting for your turn. This is one of those games! You have to pay attention, ’cause if the first person can not name three things in five seconds — like “furniture stores” of “reality tv shows” — that their card asks for, then the second person gets five seconds to name three, and if they fail then the third person goes, and so on and so forth. The big catch is, once an answer has been said, it can not be repeated. So if the first person names two reality tv shows — for instance, “Biggest Loser” and “Survivor” — then no one following them can use those answers. This game is fast-paced and loads of fun! We played it over the Christmas holiday, and everyone from the three teens to the four adults had a blast. Super simple to follow the rules and great fun to play!

  61. I got this game to play over a Christmas weekend with several relatives at the house. Knowing our family, I wanted to get a new game that was fun and engaging, but did not want to choose a game that required managing difficult instructions. This game fit the bill exactly. It only took us a few seconds to figure out how to play and we had a group that ranged in age from 11 to 60. We all played and had a great time, with just a few exceptions. We did love the fact that we could just pick it up and play without spending 15 minutes figuring out what to do, but our major complaint was that there are quite a few university and sports cards and none of us knows either college or professional sports teams. I could see why this topic would be popular, but we just agreed to toss any sports-related cards because no one knew anything about this. The game also comes with enough cards to play a few times a year, but I would like the ability to order extras just in case we wanted enough cards to play on a more frequent basis. Overall, it’s a fun, fast-paced game that everyone enjoyed and that I would highly recommend. The 16 year old ended up winning even though he had never heard of some of the questions. It’s not really about what you know, but how quickly you can think (though most people do need to know most of the topics – we did, other than the sports). We did find ourselves getting faster as time went by, and it was nice to feel like everyone’s brains were starting to work faster! I would recommend this as a party game for all ages and especially for a mixed group of all ages that might not otherwise have a lot in common.

  62. Reply
    K.w.a K "jack-of-all-trades" June 19, 2015 at 12:00 am

    This game is perfect for get-togethers because the rules are so simple, it only takes a minute to explain, and then you are playing and laughing and having fun–not spending half an hour trying to set it up and figure out how to play. Each card has a category and you have to name three items/people/whatever that fit that category in just three seconds. Some of the cards are super easy and some are pretty difficult, but hey, it’s the luck of the draw and most game lovers will get that. You may get the easy card next time around. Besides, what is difficult for one person may be easy for another. And if someone can’t come up with three, the next person gets a shot at the same category. The timer (it makes funny sounds) adds to the fun. I recommend this game to anyone looking for a group activity that is plain and simple fun.

  63. Reply
    Joe Peterson "Joe" June 19, 2015 at 12:00 am

    We had a really fun time with this. On your turn, you’ll be told a category and you will need to state three items that match with the category within 5 seconds. That doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Well, you might not believe it but, once that timer starts, your brain shuts off and it’s really hard to come up with even one thing to match the category, let alone three! This is one I can see doing very well in any group. Definitely a great party game here.

  64. Everyone SHUT UP!

  65. OK. I admit it. I am truly an addict, and many of my friends are too. For a while, I had a monthly games night with a group of my twenty-something girlfriends. This was the one game that we HAD to play every single time! The premise is simple: The green cards have adjectives printed on them and the red cards have nouns. You show a green apple card on the table and all players except the judge choose what they feel is the “best-fitting” red apple card from their hand. The players then place their red apple card face-down on the table. The judge shuffles the cards and chooses their favorite, and the owner of that red apple card wins the green apple card for that round. Everyone takes turns being the judge, and once a player has won a set number of green apple cards, they win! The best features of the game are how bizarre and funny some of the cards are AND how creative and funny you can be with the interpretation and juxtaposition of the adjectives and nouns! For example: The green card is “jealous” and the red apple cards played are “Eleanor Roosevelt,” “Giant squid,” “The JFK Assasination,” and “Cauliflower.” Which one would YOU choose, and why? In this game, it’s fun to be the judge and equally fun to compete. It’s worth noting that although the decision of the judge is final, some players will try to sway the judge’s choice. I’ve seen heated arguments break out during this game, and it’s common practice to play the card that you feel the judge will be most likely to choose (“playing to the judge”). There is also strategic thought required about when to keep a card and when to make a “card dump” getting rid of difficult cards that you don’t see much potential for. This game is most fun with 4 players or more, but you need at least 3 to play.

  66. This is another card game that will only be as good as the people you are playing with. This is a great game to play with friends and or family while having a drink or two. It can be as tame or crazy as you want it to be!

  67. good game, and wasn’t too complicated. You don’t have to be trivia savvy.

  68. Classic game with a sharp new look. Once the first setup is complete this game is the perfect way to settle marriage disputes.

  69. This game is well-made and I’m basically happy with it. If you remember the original game from a very LONG time ago, this is the closest you can get unless you buy an old, vintage set.

  70. I run gaming events at local restaurants and game stores and I’ve played Mobscenity with friends and total strangers. In Mobscenity you’re given two cards and must create a definition around what those cards could mean (for instance you could receive “rusty” and “dragon”). So what is a “rusty dragon”? Try to make the judge laugh by creating the definition and using the phrase in a sentence. It’s basically “Urban Dictionary” the game and we’ve had some serious fun with it! There is a lot of groaning when you hear just how gross some people can be but it’s never dull and always hilarious! my favorite combos so far: Clam Slap, Fist Horn, Hot Banana, and Angry Banjo. The combinations are almost endless and can really keep the party going when other party games are falling flat. I think a lot of people want to compare this game to Cards against Humanity because it’s particularly ?$#*@%! up, but for my money Mobscenity has the potential to be far, FAR dirtier because most of the game comes from your own twisted mind.

  71. I’ve purchased all the Cards Against Humanity expansions I can get ahold of and I wanted to expand my collection to keep the game interesting since it seems everyone is always asking me to bring it to get-togethers. So I thought I’d start adding Crabs sets. Good additions, blend well into the piles of cards I already have. Funny as the originals.

  72. I just played this for the first time with my family this weekend and we all laughed hysterically. It’s like a combo of Balderdash and Apples to Apples with Cards of Humanity inappropriateness thrown in depending on your group. I would definitely say it’s best with more people (we had 7; 6 would be OK; 5 maybe, but anything less I think wouldn’t be as fun).

  73. A great game! So easy to learn and such a simple concept, but a lot of strategy, and no two games are a like. I have successfully hooked several friends on the game in one sitting. Recommended for all ages. Even my friend’s five year old learned (albeit i don’t know if he always follows the rules!). Perfect for a party. It’s really best for 4 people (even though it can be arranged to play with 2 or 3 players).

  74. Tons of fun, if a bit slower paced than many trending party games, such as C.A.H. definitely lends itself to the extreme, you’ll be shocked what comes out of the minds of your friendsTons of fun, if a bit slower paced than many trending party games, such as C.A.H. definitely lends itself to the extreme, you’ll be shocked what comes out of the minds of your friends.

  75. These are a great addition to your cards against humanity collection. You may not want to play this game with people who have a bad sense of humor or a thin skin. Some of the material is inappropriate for children, but a great game for small parties with your friends who have a good sense of humor!

  76. This game is awesome! It’s nicely built, the pieces are made of a durable plastic, it had everything it said it will have – lots of strategic fun!!

  77. Fun game!!! Similar to Smart Ass, but played differently….this one is a bit harder. Lots of fun!!

  78. This is a fun game -simple, no deep thinking involved?just lighthearted fun

  79. I love the game, Definitely a different kind of board game to the casual gamer, which is a positive thing. Co-operative play is unique to my gaming experience. The pieces are tiny, and there are many of them, so make sure if you have small kids that you keep them away. The small pieces are different colors and were very attractive to my 2yo niece when I played with my family. My only true complaint about the game play is that losing hurts, you get emotionally involved trying to out smart the viruses. Winning on the other hand always feels anti-climatic, and brings no joy.

  80. I saw another review describe this game as Beer Pong for Kids which is a pretty good description. Another way of looking it is Beer Pong had a baby with Connect Four. I got this for Christmas from my Kids because they thought it looked like something daddy would like. Turns out, it is a really fun game. The way it works is each person gets eight ping pong type balls and you sit on opposite sides of a grid. It comes with cards with ball designs on them that you have to match. You bounce a ball onto the grid and try go get the balls to make the same pattern as the card. Whoever does it first gets to take the card. First person to three cards wins. The cards have two different levels of difficulty, easy and hard. It is based on the shape and the number of balls in the design. Neither set of cards is really that hard overall, so we just mix them all together. We have been playing it a lot in our house. Our kids, ages 5 and 8, play as well with no problem. They like to make mommy and daddy challenge each other and then play the winner. It is easy enough for all ages, but takes enough skill to make it fun for adults. If you are looking for a fun family or party game, this one is definitely a great choice. Highly Recommended!

  81. I absolutely love this game, and it is great for a crowd or as an icebreaker. The more players the more fun! Some of the catagories can be very suggestive…so if you play with folks who have minds in the gutter…it can go south fast.

  82. It’s good, but a little confusing at time

  83. Reply
    Jeffrey Michael Kent July 9, 2042 at 12:00 am

    Mobscenity was a total win on game night! After 3 years Cards Against Humanity was getting a little stale. This was certainly refreshing. At one point I had the most powerful laughing fit that I’ve had in years… to the point where I had to excuse myself and go splash water on my face. More on that later. The rules are simple: One player draws 6 cards (the cards are each a single “G” rated word from the English language). Of his 6 cards he chooses 2 and uses the words to create a unique phrase. Then all the rest of the players invent a definition for the phrase, and uses the phrase in a sentence in the context of their definition. The player who created the phrase chooses his favorite. That’s about it! There are a few “special” cards thrown in the deck and a couple optional game variations, but in my humble opinion keeping it simple was more than enough fun. Here’s what you need to know: What you see is what you get; it’s a deck of cards (the instructions are printed on 2 cards). There is no game board, no score pad, timer, dice, chips, tokens, etc. You’ll need your own timer, pens/pencils and pieces of paper (I got a cube of plain scratch paper from the dollar store). Players have to be at least somewhat creative and preferably not timid. They should also be able to write in a manner that someone else can read what they wrote without too much of a struggle. The words are completely innocent. It is the players’ dirty minds that make this game so totally bleeped up. Finally, the phrase that had me choking on my own laughter and blinded by my tears: “Hot Swallow.” Every response had something to do with some combination of cinnamon or hot sauce and oral intimacy… except one. “Hot Swallow – The sexiest bird in the tree. ‘The cardinal was checking out the hot swallow.'” I lost it. Just. Totally. Lost it.

  84. My brother and I decided to raid my parent’s game closet and we pulled this old game out. The game is a combination of chess and checkers. The pieces move like checkers but the strategy is much deeper as you never know if you’re going to attack a bomb or if your opponent has figured out your General and is getting his spy to it. This game is a classic strategy game and takes more thinking and planning than I had originally expected when my brother pulled this game out. Just because it’s old does not mean it is lame. I could play this again many times and not be bored. I recommend this game as a good middle ground between checkers and chess. It has decent replay value and is easy to teach and learn.

  85. this would be a great game but unless the guys you are playing with are super imtouch with their feminen side( more so then the ladies) they will get very few questions right. Even I didn’t know the majority of the women’s cards. The mens were super easy but what man knows the controversial chemical in nail polish?? I sure don’t.

  86. Fun for the whole family! Fast paced with a little bit of strategy and skill thrown in for good measure! Very easy to learn but still challenging enough to be fun to play!

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