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The 5 Strangest Cat Behaviors Explained

Cat owners are often amused but perplexed at their pet’s strange behaviors. Many of these habits are far from random and actually communicate specific feelings to their owners. If you’re often left confused at your feline’s strange behavior, read on to see if you relate to any of these odd practices.




Some cats love headbutting their owners, especially when they’re allowed to come close and are feeling relaxed. You can probably guess that this isn’t an aggressive action, but rather means they’re comfortable with you. It’s like a feline version of a hug, and a way of sharing their pheromones. In the same way cats often rub against furniture and other objects to mark their territory, they sometimes do this to show their pride for you. Not all cats are fond of this process though, so don’t be alarmed if yours doesn’t do it.


Kneading the Dough


When cats are sitting on their owners and feel particularly comfortable, they may also start “kneading” your legs like dough. Sharp claws can often scratch bare legs or rip clothing, so this can be a source of irritation for some owners. However, be aware that your cat isn’t doing this to be nasty, and rather is following an instinct from its early kitten days. By pressing on their mother’s belly, they stimulate milk production, and the whole process is very soothing in a cat’s mind. Avoid the temptation to scold them because they’re doing it to show you they’re happy.


Rolling on their Backs


As natural hunters, cats rarely let their guard down. You may notice that they’re particularly alert when eating or using their trays. This is when predators in the wild tend to strike unsuspecting prey. By rolling on their backs, cats are purposefully leaving themselves open and vulnerable, which is a way of showing trust. If they do this near you, you should be honored.


Cat Loaf Formation


Cats’ bodies are incredibly flexible, and they often sleep or sit in positions that don’t look too comfortable. When a cat tucks its legs in and sits in a “loaf” position, it’s actually doing its best to stay warm. Cats don’t like the cold, and by bringing their body into a small surface area, they retain as much body heat as possible. Conversely, they’ll often stretch out if they want to cool down.


Sitting in Tiny Spaces


Owners are often frustrated when their cats seem to sleep anywhere except the special beds they’ve bought them. Boxes, drawers and even sinks seem to be favorite spots to lay down and get some sleep, but why do they do it? In the wild, cats know to look for sheltered spots to rest in because they’re good for hiding. It’s rare you’d see any animals sleeping in the middle of an open field, and the same instinct seems to translate to the home. A tight space that covers their backs and lets them look out at the world often makes them feel the most secure. If they fits, they sits.


Cat behavior is often uniquely entertaining, but a puzzle for many owners. Look out for these behaviors in your feline companion and appreciate the messages they’re giving you. Often they’re confused as displays of fear or aggression, but they actually often stem from feelings of affection and contentment.

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